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Chemical Hazards management

Chemical Hazards management

identifying and evaluating chemical hazards; Providing an MSDS; Labeling and listing chemical hazards; Training employees; Writing a hazard communication program as NFPA 



- Identify the goals of the Hazard Communication standard and the agency responsible for writing and enforcing the standard.
– Lost the eight fundamental actions required by the OSHA Hazard Communication standard and state the purpose of each.
– Explain the key requirements for carrying out each fundamental action.

- Physical and health hazards; Exposure routes; Factors that affect the degree of hazard; Controlling chemical hazards; Detecting exposure hazards

Who should attend

SAFETY, Operation, Fire, Maintenance 

Additional Information



Chemical Hazards management
    • - Identify the goals of the Hazard Communication standard and the agency responsible for writing and enforcing the standard. – Lost the eight fundamental actions required by the OSHA Hazard Communication standard and state the purpose of each. – Explain the key requirements for carrying out each fundamental action. - Define chemical hazards covered by the Hazard Communication standard and the two categories into which they are divided. – Identify the common physical forms of chemical hazards and the industrial operations that produce or release vapors, mists, dust, and fumes. – Name the three basic routes of exposure to health hazards. – Explain the key factors that affect the degree of hazard. – Discuss common methods of controlling chemical hazards. –
    • Explain how to detect exposure hazards and symptoms. - Explain the purpose, availability, preparation, and basic content of MSDSs. – Give examples of the health hazard information contained in MSDSs and how it is used. – Give examples of the physical hazard information contained in the MSDSs and how it is used. – Describe typical MSDS instructions on special precautions and procedures. - NFPA & MSDS
  • BK Management Team believe that learning is not only about acquiring technical skills, it is also about learning behaviors & Competencies that are desirable for work in plant operation & maintenance critical dimensions. Our holistic teaching develops our delegates' personal effectiveness to function both as an individual and as a team player. The course delivery & modes of instruction will incorporate theory , practical skills and Q&A sessions. 
  • To enhance learning outcomes, theory sessions will comprise classroom based lecture that will intersperse with interactive discussions, scenario-based, case-study, group exercises, video clips, power point slides, learners' Guide and the application of various tools which will be provided to help in the delegates and participants of the learning’s objectives. With successful implementation of the learnt skills they are bound to enhance Individual & Organizational growth.
  • For online / Interactive Virtual sessions, Delegate should have a stable & good Internet connection on his Laptop.

On successful completion of this training course, BK’s Certificate with eligible Continuing Professional Education credits (CPE), will be awarded to the delegates , one CPE credit is granted per 50 minutes of attendance.

Course Features

  • Core :
  • Category :
  • Days : 2
  • Duaration : Hours